Maximize the value of your projects. Minimize time and cost.
Benefit from the more than 30 years’ experience in localization, technical translation and consulting of our experts that is matched with our deep know-how of the latest technological advances and practices in the field. Let us hear your struggles and find remedies, study your processes and optimize them, find your weaknesses and make them strengths. Let us assist you grow with our services in areas such as:
Translation Business Consulting
Evaluation of operations, organisation, processes, tools, and production. Design, planning and step-by-step implementation assistance for short- and long-term projects in optimisation, monitoring, troubleshooting and problem solving.
Localisation and Internationalisation Consulting
Feasibility evaluation of product localization. Product testing for technical, functional, and language-related localizability issues. Assessment of time and cost needed for the initial and steady production of target products. Initial setting up of optimal localization projects and follow-up assistance.
Translation Project Setup
Project planning for minimizing cost and failure risk. Execution methodology selection, setting up of processes, identification of tasks and work volumes, assessment of required time, funds, human resources, special skills, hardware, software and other tools. Establishment of the project schedule, definition of tasks and assignments, setup of the work environment, creation of language infrastructure as needed, preparation of project-specific instructions, evaluation and preparation of material for translation.
Translation Project Execution
Setup of file tracking, backup, progress monitoring and quality assurance processes. Time, budget, production, productivity and quality monitoring. Risk assessment, potential problem identification and prevention. Project progress assessment, reporting and post-mortem write-up.
Systems Consulting
Existing systems and tools evaluation, upgrade or new system use research and cost/benefit evaluation, consulting on optimal tool use and training, process computerization feasibility study and ROI assessment.
Find out if you can benefit from Consulting in 66”
Outstanding Projects

Reorganisation and Computerization Study
- Organization, processes and operations documentation
- Business functions evaluation and problem areas identification
- Suggestions to remedy problems and optimize effectiveness
- Proposals for computerization and process automations
A major consulting project we carried out was the organization and computerization study of a major translation company. The project involved interviews with all key personnel and data collection, full description and evaluation of the current status, identification of problems and inefficiencies for each department and activity and proposals for the resolution of issues, the optimization of operations and the use of available or custom-made software. Following our suggestions, the client enjoyed:
- Operational improvements by implementing proposed actions;
- Efficiencies through custom personnel training;
- Time and cost savings through correct use of CAT tools;
- Less errors and time savings through use of PM tools and automations.

Localization Project Setup
- Project planning and scheduling
- Production processes and tools setup
- Localization team organization and roles
- Project progress monitoring (quality, time and cost)
This project involved the first time set up of a major long-term localization project that involved software, help, doc and marketing material localization and testing. We assisted in risk assessment, the process and tools setup, the translator, reviewer and tester selection, in the project planning and scheduling, and in the setup of processes to monitor project progress and quality, cost and time. We were also involved in the PM/translation/review/testing team training in the processes and tools to be used as well as the SW that was to be localized. Finally, we suggested and developed SW for integrating the different tools used and assist in the PM work and the monitoring of the project progress. As a result, the project was a great success with:
- Smooth running for the duration of the project;
- Timely feedback on quality, cost and time;
- Savings in PM and production time;
- A very happy client and end-client.
This is How We have Helped
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Athens, Greece
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